Gibbous Moon in Gemini: Too Bright

posted in: Gemini, Gibbous Moon | 0

We’ve entered the Gibbous phase, the last challenge before the sun-powered illumination of the Leo Full Moon. With a late Gemini Moon conjunct the Moon’s North Node, perhaps the challenge will be one of overconfidence.

The Aquarius Sun has passed the conjunction with Saturn to meet Jupiter, edging past the greater malefic to meet the greater benefic, another indication that our spirits our buoyed up.

These next few days are good ones to ask questions–of ourselves and of our circumstances. If things are looking up, if we feel a renewed sense of hope and possibility, it’s also a good time to check where we might be seeing too rosy a picture.

This last year and more, we’ve faced many difficulties. In the airy brightness of Aquarius and Gemini, the Moon aligned with the future and the Sun with Jupiter, we might be tempted to see only good times ahead.

So we remember we’re entering the Gibbous phase, the place in the story where we see our goal, believe we can reach out and touch it, and suddenly find it has disappeared.

The Moon squares Neptune, who continues to square the Nodes of the Moon. Dreams and visions are beautiful and have value but we need to keep our feet on the ground.

Venus will meet Pluto in Capricorn in a few days. More changes are coming. The fact is, more change is needed. We’d just prefer to know which changes to expect and how comprehensive they might be.

New ideas are wonderful. Dreams sustain us. Hope is more essential in hard times than in easy ones. The Moon aligned with the North Node tells us we need all of these to enter the future we desire.

The challenge of this Gibbous phase will be to hold on to dreams, ideas, and hope while continuing to see clearly where we are right now.

Image adapted from Trevin Rudy

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