Gibbous Moon in Gemini: Slip of the Tongue

posted in: Gemini, Gibbous Moon | 0

We’ve entered the Gibbous phase, the Moon bellied out in the sky. This is a time when we can trip up just as we think we’ve reached the Full Moon finish line. In this phase, there’s that one more thing we didn’t expect to get in the way.

The Moon is in Gemini, the sign of verbal precocity, clever repartee, and sleight of hand magic. It sounds like fun–and it could be fun–except for the hidden trap doors.

The Moon trines Mercury at 10 Aquarius. Since Mercury rules Gemini, this seems like a fortunate pairing. Except that Mercury is barely moving and will station retrograde tomorrow.

Have you backed up your devices? Double checked that sensitive email? Confirmed the time and location of important meetings (even the Zoom one)? There’s a small window of time left to prepare.

The Gemini Moon trining Mercury makes it more likely we will say something we didn’t intend to, or didn’t meant the way it sounded, or just came out wrong.

The “oops” quality of this Gibbous phase is ramped up by a square between Mercury and Uranus. The trickster revolutionary loves to present opportunities in the guise of challenges and vice versa.

And Uranus himself is slowing. He will station direct in five days. Right now, thought, we have two slow, fixed planets starting each other down while the Moon in Gemini runs around picking everybody’s pocket.

The challenge this Gibbous Moon presents is around our thoughts, perceptions, and communications. What we think we saw might not be real. How we interpret it might be a little off kilter. And how we respond, well, who knows?

Assume communications are sideways and upside down and adjust accordingly, mostly by being cautious, generous, and kind.

Image adapted from Jelleke Vanooteghem

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