Gibbous Moon in Capricorn: Threshold Guardians

posted in: Capricorn, Gibbous Moon | 0

The Gibbous Moon arrives early on Sunday, August 11 (7:38 am EDT) with all the challenge this square-and-a-half brings. This is a Capricorn Moon: pragmatic, hard-nosed, and ready to set some boundaries.
Along with the sesquiquadrate to the Sun, this Moon squares Chiron and trines Uranus. If we want to heal, this Moon says, we’d better be ready to embrace change.
And change we will. This is a day of shifts: Jupiter stations direct at 9:37 am EDT; Mercury reenters Leo at 3:45 pm EDT, and Uranus stations retrograde at 10:27 pm EDT.
Some of these can be welcome changes. Some may be unsettling. This many in a day means the landscape we’re traveling through doesn’t look like Kansas any more.
A vital part of the hero cycle is meeting the threshold guardians. These are the dragons guarding the treasure, the Black Knight who guards the entrance to the castle, the serpent who slithers into our path asking questions.
Our task is to face the challenge. The reward is the ability to continue our adventure and, often, discovering we have a new ally when we have worked with our fear and taken the required action.
Whatever obstacle or challenge we meet on the 11th, we are meant to pause, consider, investigate and resolve. Most threshold guardians are not looking for a fight. Instead, they offer a test.
Are we acting with integrity? Are we authentic? Are we true to our quest?
We are as likely to need humility as bravado. Poetry may serve us better than harsh words. Riddles might need to be solved.
Tomorrow we are likely to meet inner or outer challenges. The call is to be true to ourselves and to our goals. With that, a bit of courage, and a bit of luck, we can win through.
Image created from a photo by Eric Karim Cornelis :

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