Gibbous Moon in Capricorn: Pinnacle

posted in: Capricorn, Gibbous Moon | 0

We enter the Gibbous phase tonight with the Moon in the final degree of Capricorn. The last degree of any sign is very intense. Called the anaretic degree, it’s the most concentrated distillation of that sign’s energy.

This Moon, separating from a conjunction with Pluto, is intense for that reason as well. The Moon’s been looking into the depths.

In the Gibbous phase, we’re close enough to the Full Moon we can almost taste it. I was just outside on my porch watching a beautiful Gibbous Moon rising high into the evening sky.

Yet this is also a phase in which we face a final challenge. Another hurdle, a hiccup, before we get there.

At the end of Capricorn, there’s an acute sense that once we’re sitting on the throne (or at the head of the table, or the top of the charts), the question becomes: What’s next?

Someone’s going to want their turn, their chance to rule, their time to win.

We’re moving toward a deeply mystical, wildly creative, and potentially confusing Full Moon in Pisces.

Perhaps this Gibbous Moon asks us to consider questions like:

What does “winning” look like?
Am I even playing the right game?
What else is there?
What am I willing to work hard for?
What am I prepared to commit to?

Capricorn questions, before we step into the Piscean oceans.

Title adapted from TOMMY VAN KESSEL

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