First Quarter Moon in Taurus: Dignified

Tomorrow morning we enter the First Quarter phase with the Moon in late Taurus.

This is a lovely, calm, stabilizing Moon squaring the late Aquarius Sun. This helps calm the edginess created by Mars and Pluto.

The Moon trines Venus in Capricorn, which fortifies Venus as she prepares to cross into Aquarius and meet the Lord of Dark Places.

This Venus is an elderly lady of great dignity. In fact, I looked at this Venus–Moon trine and thought of Maggie Smith in her role as Lady Violet Crawley, Dowager Countess.

Remember the Earth signs are classically feminine, even (and perhaps especially) in Capricorn. Violet’s acerbic wit, her impatience with foolishness of all kinds, and her steadfast commitment to tradition are all Capricornian values.

Venus in the final degree of tried-and-true, let’s-keep-to-the-old-ways, Capricorn will cross the threshold into the realm of cybernetic, artificially assisted Aquarius with her head held high.

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