First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius: Reality Check

It’s the First Quarter square between the Sun and Moon and tough to know what to focus on.

Sun @ 2 Virgo squares Moon @ 2 Sagittarius: This Moon can cover some territory, the stranger the better. No story too wild to share, no adventure too crazy.

Mars in Aries squares Saturn in Capricorn while aspecting the Nodes of the Moon: This contest between immediate action and holding the line will affect all our futures.

Venus in Cancer opposes Jupiter in Capricorn: Do we care for each other and our world? Is Venus just a bleeding heart, crying for nothing? Or are there serious wrongs calling out for justice? Jupiter expands the picture so we can’t miss it.

Mercury in Virgo trines Uranus in Taurus: We need a new frame, fresh eyes, an innovative way forward.

With so many different forces and events swirling around, what can we believe? Who deserves our trust? What is true?

This Sag Moon is willing to consider lots of different theories, mix them all together, and come out with something unique. This can be fun, but in times like these, also holds risks. Going too far afield could send us over a cliff.

To move forward, we need to be discerning, focused on the details. We also need heart. Finding the way through will call for careful, care-filled attention.

Image adapted from freddie marriage

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