First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius: Light on Our Feet

Monday afternoon, we reach the First Quarter Moon, the square between Sun and Moon halfway between the New and the Full.

Like all squares, this is a challenge. At the First Quarter, the energy says, DO something. Take action. You’re not going to get anywhere sitting around thinking.

At this First Quarter, though, what we’re meant to do may not be clear.

Mars is conjunct the Sun and in the final, intense degree of Virgo. And the Sun and Mars oppose Neptune. This means our First Quarter square is actually a T-square, with the Moon squaring Neptune as well.

Neptune in Pisces dissolves. There are no boundaries here, or not ones we can perceive clearly. Mars at the very end of Virgo is strong, but his best skills are not in building but in taking apart. Again, dissolution.

As we reach the final decan of any sign, focus tends to shift to endings, so even the Moon in upbeat Sagittarius is feeling a bit more down than we’d expect.

This lunar cycle has already delivered some deep experiences and emotions. What if the required action at this First Quarter is not to build something new, but instead to deconstruct?

Maybe the big changes we’re engaged in call for us to take something apart, or down. To make room for the new, the old has to dissolve.

Pluto remains involved here, trining the Sun and Mars to help in this process of necessary breakdown.

Four hours into the First Quarter phase, Mars moves into Libra. Not Mars’ most comfortable place, our actions become light, airy, and relational. Mars moves us with words, ideas, a light breeze that calls us into dance.

Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces are all mutable signs. These are places of transition, of easing from one state into another.

Whatever challenges emerge, check in to see if some taking apart is called for, before building a new. This is a time to be nimble. Agile. We can ease into changes, sometimes. It doesn’t always need to be a struggle.

Stay light on your feet.

Image adapted from Camila Damásio

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