Disseminating Moon in Sagittarius: Speed

We’re about to enter the Disseminating phase with the Moon in early Sagittarius. This Moon is ready to move, and move fast. We might feel like an arrow notched into a bow, ready to be let loose.

We’ve spent the last days (and nights) with the Moon in Scorpio. Emotions have been deep and intense, yet maybe we haven’t had the capacity, or enough information, to act. The Moon’s shift into Sag will feel like a much-needed release.

These next few days contain several important events adding fuel to the fire.

Monday night, April 10, as the Moon reaches late Sagittarius, she trines the Sun and Jupiter in Aries. Jupiter is combust, less than a degree away from the Sun. As part of this waning trine, and ruler of the Moon in Sagittarius, Jupiter expands the Fire energy.

As we shift into Tuesday, April 11, we have three important shifts.

Venus enters Gemini at 12:47 am EDT, which means in western time zones, this will happen before midnight on April 10. It seems fitting for Venus’ entry into this sign of duality to happen across two dates instead of just one.

Venus loses dignity moving from her home in Taurus into Mercury’s Air sign, but she gains speed. Gemini prefers quick–snap decision, fast talk, swift action. She’s also supported by a mutual reception with Mercury, still in Taurus.

Yet this is a tricky spot for Venus. As she enters Gemini, she quickly moves to trine Pluto. Gemini’s light-hearted patter faces the ruler of the deepest, most chthonic realms.

Venus also applies to square Saturn in Pisces. This trip through a field of daisies becomes shadowy, threatening, and intense.

Also Tuesday, as evening approaches, Jupiter enters the throne room of the Sun for their exact cazimi. This is Jupiter’s moment of renewal, of apotheosis, a time of exuberance, expansion, and high energy.

Yet Jupiter remains hidden. We might feel a surge of warmth and optimism, but won’t be able to fully access this renewed Jupiter for some time.

This Moon wants to move and take us along for the ride. We’ll feel the urge to jump on board and go for it. There’s space here for optimism. A sense of moving in the right direction.

But there are counteracting forces as well. Venus is checked by the trine to Pluto and pending square to Saturn. Jupiter is reborn but not able to share what they know. Mars in Cancer remains unable to act as clearly and decisively as he might like.

Also, Mercury has entered the shadow of their coming retrograde, which happens within the sign of slow Taurus.

So, while we have it, feel the energy. Allow yourself to soak up the sense of optimism, movement and expansion. And also use this energy to prepare.

Mercury retrograde in fixed Earth will slow things down, or divert things from their course. Equipment might be affected. Communications could move slowly, or need to be repeated.

Taurus rules money and Mercury rules exchange, so, transactions could also be slow, need extra attention, or not go through the first time.

We’re also heading toward the first eclipse of 2023, which occurs at the next New Moon on April 20 with the Sun and Moon at the very end of Aries.

Enjoy the exuberance. Channel the energy productively.

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