Disseminating Moon in Gemini: Lofty

posted in: Waning Trine | 0

We lift into the Disseminating phase with a chart full of Air.

The Sun in Libra is conjunct Venus, moving toward her cazimi on October 22. Both form a Grand Trine in Air with Saturn and Mars.

Meanwhile, the Moon in Gemini forms their square-and-half to the Sun while trining Mercury.

Our minds fill with lofty ideas! Words and images arrive in a bright profusion, a jumbled array of possibility and promise.

The Moon and Mercury each separate from an opposition and square to Jupiter, a nitro boost of Fire supercharging our desire to share.

The Libran and Aquarian planets might be sure they have the answers. They’re ready to lay out detailed blueprints.

Keep an eye on the Moon and Mars in Gemini, though. Here’s the boys asking why the emperor parades around in no clothes. These two will set off a string of fireworks under the dais where the Aquarian dignitaries sit attended by their Libran counselors.

In the Disseminating phase, we want to share. With all this Air, we might even feel compelled to speak out.

With Gemini in the mix, we risk sounding unprepared. The thoughts that are so clear in our heads might sound disorganized, unclear.

Notice the lack of Earth. We’ve got Uranus, the North Node, and Pluto, plus the asteroid Ceres.

The grain goddess will caution us to slow down, but the others are change agents who don’t consider the real-time impacts of their projects.

For these next days, record the bright ideas and innovative perceptions that flood in. Write. Sketch. Create audio memos. Whatever works.

Avoid sharing, especially oversharing, if you can. Be gentle with others who might overshare with you.

All these lofty ideas will need ballast, something to bring them down to earth. That’s not available right now.

Title image is an original Midjourney render.

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