Disseminating Moon in Capricorn: Creation

In a few hours, we’ll enter the Disseminating phase of this waning lunar cycle. This means we’ll leave the Full Moon phase, shifting from the experience of the Full Moon and eclipse into a time of sorting out what we’ve learned and what we do with it.

This is a useful transition, signaled by the Moon in pragmatic Capricorn, and yet we need to remember that eclipses open a time of unpredictable change. The New Moon we’re heading to is also an eclipse, so, we’re in a liminal time.

A complex network of aspects weaves us into a time of transformation: The Moon conjuncts Pluto, the deep alchemist.

The Sun conjuncts the North Node, orienting to the new, the incoming, the desired. Mercury and Venus are conjunct in late Gemini, linking perception and expression to our relationships and creative work.

From here, the network extends.

Saturn, newly Rx, and the Sun, move to trine each other. We’re not only focused on today’s new shiny. We’re considering longer-term projects and plans. This is reinforced by the square-and-a-half between the Moon and Pluto, and the Sun, which defines this lunar phase.

Neptune squares the Mercury–Venus conjunction. Our perceptions and creations are touched by magic, by spiritual insight, or by confusion or deception, depending on what and who we’ve been tuned in to. A good time to check in on our sources and connections.

Neptune tries Mars in Capricorn, as Mars opposes the Moon and Pluto. This links in our actor, Mars, who might be confused in emotional Cancer, with the Moon themself, which might feel stabilizing (in Cap) or not (Pluto).

For the next few days, we’re asked to make something of our experience. Given the state of flux, this is not definitive work. And yet we’re called to be actively engaged. What to we see? How to we feel about it? What can we do with or about it? How does it fit into the bigger picture?

To sort out the complexity, we need not just our minds, but also our hearts, hands, and inner wisdom. We dive into the creative process without knowing the outcome.

Image adapted from Vinicius “amnx” Amano

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