Disseminating Moon in Aquarius: That Was a Thing

This morning, we shift from the Full Moon to the Disseminating phase. There’s a lot to think about. With Sun and Moon both in Air, we’ve got the cognitive tools to dive in.

The Full Moon brought up lots of stuff for review. Keeping the mood light (or as light as possible), we considered perspectives, options, ideas.

This way? Or that way? Which is better? Makes more sense? A better fit?

Yesterday, the mood intensified as Venus met the North Node while the Moon met Pluto, a powerful trine from Capricorn to Taurus.

What did your body tell you? Did you listen?

During this Full Moon phase, I flew across the country. Three planes, four airports, amazing skies. Perfect for a Sag Full Moon.

Yesterday was rest, stretching, hydrating, listening. Self care as radical self acceptance.

“Let the soft animal of your body love what it loves.” –Mary Oliver

Now the Moon in early Aquarius pushes the late Gemini Sun. “OK, sure, some things are ending. What’s next? What can we create here? What’s the pivot?”

The mind is fresh, innovative, eccentric, and focused.

If you’re ready to craft a new vision, new plans, clarified ideals, go for it.

If you’re still bemused by the flash-bang energy of the Full Moon, or bruised by the Mars–Chiron conjunction, turn to the Sun and Mercury in Gemini. Talk it out. With friends. With supportive fellow travelers. With yourself.

We’re pivoting from experiencing into sharing. What showed up most brightly for you? Where is it leading?

Title adapted from Andrea Piacquadio

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