Crescent Moon in Scorpio: Borderlands

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As we move into this waxing cycle, we find ourselves at the edges of things, places not quite one thing or another.

The New Moon arriving in late Virgo means we’ll soon reach the autumn equinox, when the Sun enters Libra–but not yet.

We’re at the waning of the year, although this is a waxing cycle. What can we hope to grow now, as the year winds down? More than you might think. Farmers and gardeners know how fruitful autumn can be for producing new crops as well as preparing for the spring. We’re betwixt and between.

We’re ready to engage with our New Moon goals and can’t quite shake off the past. Here too we’re at a border, sorting out what’s left over from what we need to move forward.

This is a Scorpio Moon, just past an opposition to Uranus in Taurus and applying to square Venus in Leo, sextile Jupiter in Capricorn, then trine Neptune in Pisces. This Moon traverses Earth and Water, a very generative borderland.

The Crescent Moon rises in a darkening sky, its thin curve glowing. We’re at the edge of a lake, perhaps, or a swamp, a river’s edge. A place where land and water meet, where birds and animals and plants from various niches mix and interact.

Scorpio wants to know what’s hidden, underneath, kept in shadow. Will the secrets we find hold us back or push us onward? The answer lies not only in what we discover but how we respond.

Be curious. Ask good questions. Listen for the answers. There is much to learn.

Image adapted from Ann Savchenko

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