Crescent Moon in Sagittarius: Journey

At tonight’s Crescent Moon, the tense T-square of the New Moon is released. The Moon, now in Sagittarius, embarks on a journey.

The New Moon focused our resistance. Now we need information, resources, and allies. We’re on a quest, energized and optimistic (if cautiously so).

The Sun, too, has cleared the dense thickets of Capricorn. In a few more days, they’ll enter Scorpio. This will bring shadows of its own but at least the squares to Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn are finished.

Mercury dives deeper into the Scorpio retrograde. During the New Moon phase, they slipped under the beams of the Sun, heading toward the inferior (retrograde) conjunction.

Now Mercury is hidden in the shadows. It’s possible our thinking be feel clouded. We might focus on occult matters or on what’s going on within our own psyche.

Venus, who ruled the New Moon, is squaring the Moon’s Nodes. We make careful plans to explore the depths of history as well as the varied options in the current landscape. There is much to learn.

We’re on an adventure. The end is unclear but that’s ok. The road unfolds before us and we’re ready to move.

Notice what might be holding you back. Is there left over resistance? Can you untangle past from present and move on?

Image adapted from Andrew Neel

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