Crescent Moon in Sagittarius: Empty

posted in: Cazimi, Crescent Moon, Sagittarius | 0

We are past the New Moon eclipse, yet remain very much in eclipse season as we head toward the Full Moon eclipse on October 28. Being in this space changes how we experience this lunar cycle.

We enter the Crescent phase with a Moon in early Sagittarius. This Moon wants to move quickly into something new: New territories, new experiences, new philosophies.

The Moon squares Venus in Virgo, nudging Venus to finish up those mundane chores and come on an adventure.

The Sun, Mercury, and the South Node tell a different story.

Within this Crescent phase, Mercury reaches their exact conjunction with the Sun. This moment of illumination happens as Sun and Mercury are conjunct the South Node, the place of letting go. We are still in a time of releasing.

There is a Zen teaching story about a scholar traveling far to meet a Zen master. The scholar arrives after a difficult journey. The master offers a cup of tea.

The scholar, eager to learn, begins to share all he knows already. As the master listens, he continues to pour the tea, which soon overflows the cup.

“Master!” the scholar cries, “The cup is overflowing!”

The Zen master gently replies, “So is your mind.”

Our Moon in Sag is ready to grasp the lessons of the eclipse and leap ahead. The Sun–Mercury–South Node remind us this is a time to be empty.

Mercury and Venus are in mutual reception, strengthening each. An empty mind offers a beautiful space for new insights. Cultivate beginner’s mind.

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