Crescent Moon in Libra: Boost

posted in: Crescent Moon, Libra | 0

Does this New Moon phase feel long to you? It does to me. We won’t enter the Crescent phase until late Tuesday night (Wednesday in time zones east of me).

The Crescent will bring a boost of energy, ideas, and optimism. But let’s focus on the New Moon a moment, so we don’t miss its gifts.

Following the Virgo vibe, I’ve been knocking out small projects. Assembling a filing cabinet. Sorting papers. Painting some walls bright green 🙂 Bringing myself back to my body, not always easy for me. Slow time.

Mercury, Virgo’s ruler, is moving slowly, preparing to retrograde next week.

Gentle focusing lays the groundwork for the boost to come. Are you in a place where you just need to rush? It happens, and, today and tomorrow, find time to feel the sun on your face, earth underfoot, hands holding something real. It feels good. Healing.

The Crescent Moon in late Libra will oppose Eris, the chaos asteroid linked to our global challenges. The Moon sextiles Venus who anchors a Grand Cross in the fixed signs with Ceres, Saturn, Uranus, and the Nodes. This is heavy. The Libra Moon wants to help.

So where’s the boost? Look to the early degrees.

Mars in clever, curious, active Gemini hooks us up. Squaring the Virgo Sun, trining Mercury, and sextiling Jupiter in Aries. Wake up!

This connection of planets brings energy, creativity, and possibility. We can bring all of these forward to sort out next steps.

If you tend to feel transits before they arrive, you might already sense your mind activating. Don’t rush this. Savor these New Moon days of simple things done well.

Once the Crescent Moon arrives, we’ll be refreshed and ready.

Title adapted from Tiago Pedro

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