Crescent Moon in Capricorn: Go Easy

posted in: Capricorn, Cazimi, Crescent Moon | 0

This evening, we transition into the Crescent Moon phase, a time for sorting out what we might actually do during this current lunar cycle.

A Moon in Capricorn is serious-minded and ready to work, yet my recommendation for this phase is to go easy. Let’s get grounded before making sudden moves or big decisions.

The Moon at 9º Capricorn connects us to both benefics through a square to Venus and a trine to Jupiter. Jupiter in Taurus is 100% in favor of a plan to take things slow and fully inhabit our bodies. Venus is strong in her home sign of Libra, ready to enjoy beauty and create harmony.

The Moon is also semisquare the Sun in Scorpio (the 45º aspect that defines the Crescent phase), so we’re not going to forget the darkly intense Scorpio energy surrounding us. What we can do, is allow time for Scorpio messages to percolate and come into focus.

In the meantime, we can go easy on ourselves and others. We can look for sweetness and moments of peace in the midst of great conflict. This is not about forgetting nor denying the state of the world, but taking the time to see life in full.

The key event in this phase will be the Mars cazimi, which is the planet of action’s conjunction with the Sun.

The Mars cazimi arrives just after midnight on Saturday, November 18, in my time zone. This is a new beginning for Mars with the Sun, a New Mars (like a New Moon). We’ll begin a fresh Mars cycle that offers a reset our relationship with Mars in the sky and Mars in our birth charts.

This cazimi is especially powerful because Mars is in Scorpio, his nighttime home. Mars in Scorpio is tenacious, deeply perceptive, steadfast, and very aware of power dynamics. These are all qualities we can cultivate

The Mars cycle is two years, which means we have time to plan. At the cazimi, Mars is completely hidden under the beams of the Sun, so we’re not ready for anything yet. In fact, Mars will not be visible in the sky again until December.

Mars in Scorpio never rushes. All is carefully arranged and executed. This is not a time to charge into anything. Instead, allow new ideas, plans, and strategies to take form.

Tonight, the Moon connects with Jupiter and Venus. By the time of the Mars cazimi, the Moon will be conjunct Pluto. As if we needed the reminder.

At the cazimi, the Sun and Mars will oppose Uranus, trine, Neptune, and sextile Pluto and the Moon. The next two years will see great changes (Uranus). Some of those changes will shake our foundations (Pluto and Moon).

Yet Neptune’s presence tells us clarity will take time. Rushing ahead now might send us down the wrong paths.

So, get grounded. Breathe deeply. Move your consciousness right down into your feet. Feel that earth connection. Find sweetness.

There is plenty of work to be done. We can still turn our faces to the Sun and breathe.

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