Crescent Moon in Aries: A Bright Road

posted in: Aries, Crescent Moon | 4

Tomorrow morning, we enter the Crescent phase with enough Aries to launch a rocket or three, so let’s think about what we’ll do with this fiery energy.

In the Crescent phase, the Moon is visible again in the sky. She has light. Right now, she’s moving quickly.

The Moon placement tells us what we’re longing for. In Aries, we want to move. We want action. We want to do something.

Each Fire sign has a leadership style. In Aries, we encounter the Pioneer. This sign says, “hey, see that over there? That looks cool. I’m going there. If y’all want to come, that’s cool. Let’s go!”

This Aries Moon has already been through much of Aries. She’s been conjunct Venus, Jupiter, and Chiron. She will conjunct Eris before leaving for Taurus.

So we’ve got energy, creativity, focus, high ideals, healing (possibly triggers), and more energy available. What are we going to do?

Remember we’re in Piscean territory, the landscape invoked by the New Moon. The Sun and Neptune remain in the mutable Water sign of magic, mysticism, connection, and dissolution.

How do we find a path through this mist-shrouded land? In Aries, we forge ahead. We just do it.

I’m studying traditional astrology these days, which means I’m wrestling with issues of house division. Do I continue using Placidus, the quadrant system I prefer? Do I switch to Whole Sign? Do I find a synthesis?

I mention this because when we look at the Placidus chart and the Whole Sign chart for this Crescent Moon, there’s a startling difference.

The Ascendant will be in the same place by sign and degree in any house system.

But Placidus places the Ascendant as the opening of the first house, while Whole Sign takes the sign of the Ascendant and makes the first degree of that sign the opening.

You can see the result clearly in these charts.

In Placidus, the Aries planets are in the 12th House, the Pisces House, the place of mysticism and magic where it’s tough to get a hold of things.

In Whole Sign, the Aries planets are in the 1st House of self. We are Aries. We embody this energy.

So here’s my synthesis:

The Crescent Moon is a time for figuring out what our goals actually are for this lunar cycle. What do we intend to do?

Aries planets want to go now. Do now. But maybe the Placidus chart points to a need for more reflection and introspection before we launch.

You will know best what you need, in alignment with your chart and your goals. Aries gives a bright burst to get us there.

4 Responses

  1. Rhainey

    New subscriber here. Really enjoy your writings. I always look at both and sometimes more house systems and find truth in all of it. I feel like people whose chart changes a lot w the house systems may be more complex. Anyway it’s nice to hear your thoughts on it and how you presented it both ways. Also nice to have the different moon phases reflected upon instead of just full and new. In this case I’m doing both- going within for sure as well as focusing on myself and energizing my goals more. Thanks!

  2. Kate

    Thank you for describing the dilemma between the whole house, or Traditional system, and the more modern Placidus house divisions. Having learned “modern” astrology over 40 years ago, and seeing how it has worked and now enjoying learning about Hellenistic astrology I find the synthesis idea appealing. I do agree with Rhainey that there is truth in all of it though.
    Love your podcasts.

    • RisingMoon

      Thanks so much, Kate! I wondered if my followers would be interested in some more technical aspects of astrology, and also really wanted to share this. I’m encouraged to add more as they come up in exploring transits.

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