Crescent Moon in Aquarius: New Horizons

posted in: Aquarius, Crescent Moon | 0

Tonight we enter the Crescent Moon phase, the return of the Moon’s light in the night sky. If we’ve had clear skies, we may already have caught the sliver of the returning Moon.

Glimmers of what the New Moon eclipse will bring begin to appear.

This waxing cycle is a tremendous time. Within a tumultuous year, these two weeks bring profound shifts.

First, Venus left Scorpio’s shadows for the open plains of bright Sagittarius.

Then Chiron, standing still on an early Aries sore point, stationed direct.

A few hours ago, Saturn entered Aquarius, perhaps the biggest shift so far because of the massive weight of Saturn these last few years in Capricorn copresent with Pluto.

We enter the Crescent phase with an Aquarius Moon, highlighting the shift into clear thought, community focus, and forward-looking plans. We begin to see the magnitude of the work ahead even as we feel winds of change that lift rather than crush.

We can’t see too clearly yet. Mercury is combust, overwhelmed by the Sun. We feel light, and heat, hoping the glow of expanding energy holds good things for us.

Why, in this time of epochal change, do we attend to the Moon at all? Surely when the greater players are moving so dramatically, our attention should focus on them.

Yet the Moon is where we live. Our emotions. Our bodies. What brings us solace. How we comfort others. These are more important, not less, in times like these.

We are indeed seeing new horizons unfurling before our eyes. They’re not going to offer the “golden age” some have touted, but they are indeed new. Unexpected. Holding opportunities.

We need change, healing, repair, growth, and vision to create a new society. We cannot get there without tending to our feelings and our bodies. This is a time to remember the Moon: Our Moon, the transiting Moon, the archetypal Moon.

When new visions beckon and we long for what is yet to come, the Moon holds us as we are. For the time to come to fulfill its promise, we need to stay present.

Image adapted from Scott Webb

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