Balsamic Moon in Pisces: Go Gently

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Yesterday evening, we entered the Balsamic phase, the last shift of the Moon before the coming New Moon.

Once again, much has changed. We seem to be living in a time when the world changes daily, sometimes hourly, as powerful events unfold.

As we entered the Balsamic phase, the Sun sat in the intense final degree of Aries. Now the Sun has moved into Taurus, opening a new season. Yet we already know this Taurus season will be different.

The Sun moves to conjunct Uranus, that quick-change artist, master of revolution, bringer of the unexpected. Uranus triggers catastrophe. Even if we consciously include the possibility of eucatastrophe, the felix culpa, the happy accident, we are unsettled in this presence.

The world is changing even as life is on pause. We see the applying trine between Venus in Gemini and Mars in Aquarius, emphasized by Mercury sextiling both from Aries. Something wants to happen. We feel its pressure.

And the time is not yet. This Venus–Mars trine will not complete. Venus is slowing down to station retrograde and will not catch up with Mars.

Astrological magician Nina Gryphon (@ninagryphon) described its traditional meaning: Things begun under this aspect will not develop, with not culminate.

Which fits this Balsamic time. This is not a time for beginnings but rather a time for preparation.

This Moon is in Pisces, just past a conjunction with Neptune. What is ready to leave, is now dissolving. We are in an alchemical vessel. We allow ourselves to be remade.

Once again, we’re poised at a moment of transition. The Pisces Moon and Taurus Sun invite us to let go gently.

Image by Sharon McCutcheon


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