Balsamic Moon in Libra: Finding Balance

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Tomorrow at dawn (EST) we slip into the Balsamic phase with the Moon in early Libra conjunct Venus.

In this first decan of Libra, we find sweetness and a thirst for justice. The Moon and Venus conjoined means we feel this need as well as see it reflected in the world around us.

As we enter this phase, we’re likely to feel out of balance. The task is to find it.

The presence of the Moon is important. Venus in Libra might lean into thinking about balance, talking about it, perhaps writing or drawing about it. The Moon reminds us that balance begins in the body

Jupiter in Taurus can help too. Jupiter is not in aspect to the Moon and Venus, but in Taurus, he is ruled by Venus and in the sign in which the Moon is exalted. Jupiter wants us to be grounded, solidly connected to the earth, in Venusian ways.

Ask first, where do I stand?

It’s a profound question.

Physically: Where am I standing (or sitting, kneeling, reclining, dancing, walking …) right now? Am I connected to my feet? If not, can I breathe down into my feet, feeling my connection to the ground where I am?

Culturally: What is the history of this place? How did I come here? How do I relate to the peoples who are indigenous here? How can I appropriately ground myself in this place where I am? What responsibilities do I have here?

The list includes where we stand on key issues of the day. Are we clear on where we stand? What actions might emerge from that stance?

In our lives, which include home, habits, work, relationships, the wider social sphere, do I know where I stand? Where things are out of balance, what actions are called for?

This might sound like a long list for the few days of the Balsamic Moon. If we begin with our bodies, though, we’ll find the most important areas to address.

So the first step is to sense into where we are currently in our body and in the world.

How balanced are we right now? With breathing and attention, can we find where the sense of imbalance is strongest? Focus there first.

The theme of the Balsamic phase is release. We’re letting go of what’s getting in the way.

So if we feel physically off balance, we most likely need to let go of tension somewhere. Which muscles are tight? Where am I feeling pain? Am I breathing deeply? What can I let go of?

In our lives, we might need to release expectations, or habits that get in the way of our goals, or resentments we’re holding on to.

In the world, expectations and resentments might still be factors, along with prejudices, stereotypes, or ignorance, a lack of good information.

The New Moon in Scorpio arriving early on Monday will be intense and contentious. We might experience sudden shifts or challenges. We’re likely to feel activated about something, or if we hold on to our sense of calm, we’ll face activation in others.

The pace will be picking up over these Balsamic days.

November 10, Mercury leaves Scorpio to enter Sagittarius. Thoughts and communication will speed up and increase in volume.

Later that same day, Mercury reaches an exact square to Saturn. That might bring a check to racing thoughts and words, but could also increase a sense of responsibility for fixing or sharing what we know.

November 11, Mars reaches his exact opposition to Uranus, bringing volatile and possibly explosive energy to the weekend.

Looking ahead, we can see that any efforts we make now to find balance will help prepare us for the time ahead.

Let go of any tension that keeps you off balance. Find center. Ground yourself in your body, your life, and your values.

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