Balsamic Moon in Capricorn: Hiding Out

Tomorrow we enter the Balsamic phase with the Moon in early Capricorn.

At the beginning of Capricorn, we’re very grounded. This first decan brings our life-force right into our bones. This Moon is also really out of bounds, which means she’s doing her own thing, not listening to anyone else.

In the Balsamic phase, we’re typically tasked with preparing for the New Moon to come. We’re clearing away what’s done and bravely releasing anything that’s ready to go.

Another keyword for the Balsamic phase is “retreat.” If we think of this Capricorn Moon as the Crone, which she totally is, then this looks more like going feral.

She’s had it with lofty ideas, long range plans, and high-sounding values. She’s rolling her eyes at Aquarian dreams of a high tech revolution. Her cottage is her retreat. Her ideals are peace and quiet. Her long range plans include mushroom tea, biscuits and cheese, and a good, long sleep.

She knows this won’t stop the world from changing. But enough is enough. At least for now.

Meanwhile, Venus and the Sun both aspect the Nodes of the Moon and Chiron.

Venus forms an exact square to the Nodes as we enter the Balsamic phase. She is at the South Bending, and rules the South Node in Libra. She reminds us that change cannot be halted, as she draws our attention to what is beautiful and harmonious in the past, and therefore worth preserving.

The Sun forms a tight trine to the South Node and sextile to the North. Perhaps the Aquarian future will include the best of our history.

Right now, though, the Moon hides out in the woods.

Soon, the Moon will sextile Saturn and trine Jupiter, already tightly sextile each other. Perhaps two wizards show up to discuss the nature of truth.

Feel free to go feral. Listen to birdsong. Watch for new green things unfurling from the wintry ground. Be your wild self.

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