Balsamic Moon in Capricorn: Bottom Line

Tonight we reach the Balsamic Moon, the last phase before the New Moon. This is a dark phase. The Moon loses light each day until it disappears. We won’t see moonlight again until after the New Moon.

This is a time for letting go. We’re wrapping up. Assessing how it all went. Some things are complete. Some things didn’t work out. Some things need to be cleared away.

The Moon in Capricorn is ready. This Moon knows, as we do, that changes are emerging.

During the height of the pandemic, so much was happening in the sign of Capricorn. Now, only the Moon and Pluto are left. The Moon will soon be gone and Pluto sits in the final degree of Saturn’s Earth sign, preparing to shift into Aquarius.

With Saturn, ruler of the Balsamic Moon, still combust the Sun, these days could have a somber, subdued feel.

Tomorrow night, February 17, the Moon will conjunct Pluto. We’re looking back. Capricorn values the past. We’re thinking about what has gone well and what has not.

Use this time to conduct your own review. Saturn rules structure. What structures in your life are good, solid, healthy, and worth maintaining? Which are already crumbling? Which need to be dismantled?

February 18, the Sun enters Pisces. We will float into a misty, indeterminate, soft, possibly confusing space. The Sun in Pisces is creative, mystical, and unbounded. We enter the land of dreams.

While Saturn’s timelines are long, nothing lasts forever. It’s time to be clear-eyed, firm, and steady. What needs to go, can go. This we must do, to make room for the new time ahead.

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