Balsamic Moon in Aries: Time to Cut

posted in: Aries, Balsamic Moon | 0

The Balsamic Moon can have a solemn feel. This is a place of endings, of seeing what no longer works. Nostalgia and regret can arise.

In this cycle, though, the energy is high. We might not be happy about it, but we’re ready to move. It’s time to cut away whatever interferes with our growth. We’re heading toward the New Moon in Taurus. It’s time to make sure our garden is ready for what we wish to plant.

The Moon at 2 Aries is determined. Focused. Tired of messing around. If we’re doing this, the Moon might say, let’s do it and get it over with.

The Sun remains in Taurus, not thrilled at the idea of severing anything but willing to acknowledge that sometimes ground needs to be cleared before new planting can happen.

We find Jupiter in the final, intense degree of Aquarius. Soon he’ll enter Pisces, the sign he’s ruled since ancient times, a place of fruitfulness and solace and remedies for our hurts.

He’s not there yet. In fact, it will be six days before he enters Pisces, after the New Moon, but we can’t wait. Jupiter’s been through some tough territory these last few years and deserves a break. So do we.

In this last degree of Aquarius, Jupiter is also ready to make cuts. He’s feeling sick and tired of the nonsense and ready for positive change. He can offer us his gifts, once he reaches the creative flow of Pisces, but first we need to buckle down and do some work.

The pandemic + politics has sharpened our awareness and focused our attention. What ideas, viewpoints, and attitudes are now out of date? Social isolation had offered gifts and challenges. What do we now realize is essential? What do we no longer care about?

These days of the Balsamic Moon in Aries call us to let go so we can receive.

Image adapted from Tristan Frank

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