Balsamic Moon in Aries: The Bleeding Edge

posted in: Aries, Balsamic Moon | 0

It’s interesting to enter a Balsamic phase with an Aries Moon.

The mood we expect is one of nostalgia, a mixture of longing and regret as we review what we need to release. This phase is about endings. We’re wrapping up a lunar cycle and eclipse time as well. The eclipses will continue to reverberate but the eclipses themselves are over for now.

Aries is about beginnings. It’s decisive, active, forward-focused, pioneering. How do we apply that to this phase of letting go?

Aries knows how to make clean, clear, sharp separations. Make a decision. Take the action. Move on.

We might be able to simply do that. We know what needs to go. We cut it away. It’s gone.

That’s great. But it only works if we are really, truly on board with the decision. No looking back. No second guessing.

That could be tricky this month. The Moon separates from a conjunction with Chiron and applies to Eris and Venus, and to a sextile to Saturn.

Chiron says the things we need to release relate to long-standing patterns of wounding. This can be tough territory.

Perhaps the eclipses shifted our orientation. We can let go of patterns we never could before. That would be wonderful.

Saturn calls on us to be responsible and do the right thing, which can help move us ahead with needed action.

Eris brings in challenges we face in the world. Venus is our values around those challenges. This could feel overwhelming, too large to tackle. Or, bringing in the world perspective might push us to move forward, realizing how much is at stake.

At the least, we can expect these days of the Balsamic phase to show us sharply and clearly what we ought to do. Whether or not we can do it right now depends on many factors, including how we weathered the eclipses.

So if there are things you can cleanly, clearly cut away, go for it.

If instead our experience is focused on what we need to do but not feeling ready, then we’ve been shown what work is before us.

Both are valuable.

Image adapted from Shubham Dhage

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