Waning Trine Moon in Virgo: Notice

posted in: Virgo, Waning Trine | 0

Tonight we reached the trine between Sun and Moon that is part of the Disseminating phase. The Moon is in mid Virgo, the Sun in mid Capricorn.

There are other aspects forming but at the moment of the trine, they are not yet completed. There’s a feeling we’ve paused a moment. As if we’re about to take a breath.

Virgo is a noticing sort of energy. The Moon in this sign can be anxious, wishing to have all details at hand and all preparations done. It would not be surprising, given what we have to notice in the world right now, that some anxiety might come up.

Virgo is also calmed by noticing. There is a love of detail here, an appreciation for the suchness of the world. This is where our attention can rest.

What is around you, right now? What is within your reach? What can you lay your hand on?

Are you comfortable right now? If not, what do you need? Perhaps a stretch, a shift in position. A sandwich. A nap.

In the midst of the tumult of this time in history, we’re offered a moment of quiet observation. Take the time to notice the world around you just as it presents itself. Right now, that could be enough.

Image adapted from Michael Dziedzic

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