Waxing Trine Moon in Sagittarius: Light It Up

posted in: Sagittarius, Waning Trine | 0

Today we reach the waxing trine between the Sun and Moon in Fire signs. Since they both trine the asteroid Eris, we’ve got a Grand Trine in Fire.

Since this is late in the Fire signs, we look to other planets in late degrees and see that Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto link in. Jupiter opposes the Sun and sextiles the Moon, making the strongest link. Neptune squares the Moon. Pluto is inconjunct the Sun.

The trine lights up our interest, energy, and capacity. We’re ready to move.

Eris, the chaos goddess who points us to global issues, knows exactly were attention and energy are needed.

What calls your attention today? What are you fired up about? The world will check in with us today, asking where we care, where we’re ready to do something.

Be aware of what shows up for you without feeling you need to do anything right now. Fire can make us feel like we can (and should) do it all.

So instead of moving into overwhelm, notice where you are lit up. Where are you angry? Where does your heart ache? What can’t you look away from? That’s where your fire is drawing you.

Venus is moving to trine Saturn. We’ll have the chance to create structures (Saturn) to equitably and fairly address issues (Venus).

Today we feel the fire. Jupiter will make that feeling too big to miss. Neptune wants us to connect widely and deeply. Pluto edges us toward transformation. With Venus and Saturn, we plan the work.

Image adapted from Patrick Hendry

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