Waxing Trine Moon in Neptune: Deep Tides

posted in: Pisces, Waxing Trine | 0

Today we move into the second half of Mercury and Mars’ interactions with the Saturn–Uranus square. Yes, the squares to Saturn were only Part One. We now transition into oppositions to Uranus, Part Two.

Keep in mind that the moment an aspect is exact may be important, but aspects involving slow-moving planets are, well, slow. Depending on your birth chart, you might feel a transit “early” or “late” compared to when it’s “supposed to be” strongest. It’s not early or late for you.

If you don’t notice a transit at all, it might not interact with your birth chart and that’s fine. Or it could mean the transit is affirming something you already know, rather than arriving with new information.

Today’s lunar event is exact this evening when the Scorpio Sun and Pisces Moon reach their trine. This is a magical, mysterious, deep connection, enhanced by the presence of Neptune conjunct the Moon and also trining the Sun. This energy is already in play and will be all day.

If you are working with heavy or difficult emotions, choose excellent self care. This can be a day that offers new understandings as you may be able to access deeper levels.

Our clair senses–clairvoyance, clairaudience, and so on–will be more sensitive. Dreams last night and tonight may be intense and meaningful. Creativity, connection to spirit, any magical practices can be deepened.

Yet spell work and intentional practices are not indicated. Soon, Mercury reaches the exact opposition with Uranus, Scorpio to Taurus. A strong connection can be made but outcomes, with Uranus and so close to the eclipse, will vary, possibly wildly.

This is a day for good self care. Be tender with your vulnerabilities and those of others. Much can be explored and learned if we dive into the depths. Be open and also planful. Enjoy the magic and take good care.

Image adapted from Finding Dan | Dan Grinwis

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