Waxing Trine Moon in Aquarius: Clear Vision

posted in: Aquarius, Waxing Trine | 0

This morning, the Sun–Moon trine, early Libra to early Aquarius, offers clarity and insight, qualities we’re much in need of.

The overall chart continues to reflect back the challenges of our time:

Pluto the alchemist sits at the apex of a yod with Venus in Leo and the North Node in Gemini at its base. We will need creative passion and agile thinking to find our way through the maze into the new, sustainable world.

Venus trines the South Node in Sagittarius as well as sextiling the North. If we add Eris, goddess of chaos, to the mix, we have a Grand Trine in Fire. Energy runs high and also hot. Tempers are short. We need physical as well as creative outlets.

Adding more fuel, Mars draws nearer to his second exact square to Saturn.

Both are retrograde now, so we can lean into the opportunity and explore what triggers us, what motivates us, how we support ourselves with discipline and structure, and what holds us back.

Mercury sits in the final degree of Libra. Mental clarity is available, as are communication skills. The choice to apply it and the issues to consider are up to us.

Image adapted from Sam Schooler

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