Waxing Sextile Moon in Leo: Speaking Out

posted in: Leo, Waxing Sextile | 0

The waxing sextile between the Sun and Moon offers a moment of insight within the Crescent phase. With the Moon in Leo, we want to speak out, be heard, get attention, express ourselves creatively and passionately.

The sextile to the Gemini Sun intensifies the desire to connect via communication. It could be a day when every text we write seems brilliant, funny, and perfect.

Some of the other aspects are going to offer perspective on this, so, consider these before hitting send:

This Leo Moon is separating from an opposition to Saturn. We might feel unfairly held back or held down. It’s about time we had our turn!

This Moon is squaring Uranus. We could feel pressured to say something original and authentic. Or maybe we’ll feel entitled and stubborn: We have the right to be heard.

Except that Chiron in Aries is also involved, with a trine from the Moon and sextile from the Sun. Because these are flowing aspects,Chiron could add to our sense of needing to speak out. Chiron’s presence also suggests this might not go well, leading to our feeling wounded by how our words are received, or others feeling wounded by what we’ve shared.

The Sun also squares Mars and Ceres together in Pisces. If we pay attention, we may sense a lack of clarity. Maybe we need to slow down and figure this out. The ongoing Venus retrograde supports this. We’re in a time of reexamining our relationships and our values. Let’s not be hasty.

Mercury is close to the North Node too. What we communicate now might have long term consequences.

Let’s invoke the Buddhist principle of Right Speech. This is not limited to being factually correct (though that’s a great place to start). It also includes consideration of the wider impact of what we say. Who will be harmed? Who will be helped? Are we being kind? Just? Caring?

This is a day in which we may long to speak out and will be happier if we manage to stop and think before we do.

Image by Rod Long

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