Waxing Sextile Moon in Aries: Make a Move

posted in: Aries, Waxing Sextile | 0

Overnight, the Aries Moon sextiles the Sun. The Moon will have just squared the Nodes and soon square Jupiter. Mars continues to square Venus and Neptune. Pluto and Saturn square Eris. Mercury sextiles Eris.

This mix of squares and sextiles presents a picture of challenges and alliances, arguments and counterarguments. Squares are contentious but we need to connect so we can find solutions.

Any aspect is better than none at all.

We’ve been floating through a dreamy Venusian–Neptunian–Piscean field.

Now the Aries Moon asks, “But what’s happening? What are you going to do?”

Serious issues confront our world. Within individual lives, choices must be made. Whether circumstances are horrible or ideal, choosing is seldom easy.

After all, Pluto and Saturn are still right there in Capricorn. Venus and Neptune remain right there in Pisces. The issues are stark. The circumstances and consequences are not.

This waxing sextile offers insight. An Aries Moon wants action.

We’re pushed to engage. Take a chance. Make a move. Do something.

Image adapted from a photo by Maarten van den Heuvel:

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