Waning Trine Moon in Gemini: Blooming, Buzzing Confusion

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The Sun–Moon trine is designed to offer insight, but this time around, the message might be tough to decipher.

So much news, so many sources, whizzing by at top speed. Even Gemini might struggle to keep up.

This Moon is inconjunct the Capricorn group, unable to comprehend the power plays and unwavering allegiance to tradition.

The Moon moves to square Neptune, and after that, meet the North Node. We’re sparking connections from the farthest cosmos to what’s right in front of us. Somehow, the Gemini Moon says, it will all make sense.

Mercury in Scorpio rules this Gemini Moon, drawing our attention to what is usually hidden, whether it’s embarrassing secrets or occult mysteries.

Today Mercury opposes Uranus for the first time. (First because of the upcoming Mercury Rx.) This leads us to question not only what we personally believe but the nature of reality itself.

Mercury and Uranus are both tricksters. What is real? How can we know? Does it make a difference?

If you’re longing for life to slow down, get stable, and make sense (for a change), that wish is totally understandable but not the best fit for this Waning Trine.

Instead, let yourself try on some radically new ideas. What is the wildest, most amazing future you can imagine?

Remember, the Libra Sun will be working to balance out the craziness and create beauty. We can take the mess of the world today and write it into poetry, the kinds of poems that can carry us into a new life, blooming in new ways.

Image adapted from Zac Durant

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