Waning Trine Moon in Capricorn: Solid

posted in: Capricorn, Waning Trine | 0

Overnight, we reach the waning trine from Moon to Sun that is tucked inside the Disseminating phase. This moment of understanding and connection can smooth things out.

This is Earth to Earth, a Capricorn Moon communing with the Sun in Taurus. Picture two friends who know each other so well they communicate without words. They take long walks, matching their strides. At home, one know what the other wants from the kitchen and brings it. These two can say more with a look than others might with endless words.

The Capricorn Moon does want to nudge the Taurus Sun into action. Get things a bit more goal oriented. Bring some focus to the situation. But there’s a companionship here that is bone deep.

Sun and Moon sextile Mars, which feels really good to this Mars in Pisces. Thank heavens, he says, there’s solid ground in this mist.

Remember that carefully planned, measured actions can be very creative.

Perhaps we will wake jump tomorrow with a solution to an issue that’s been bothering us. Sometimes it’s best to listen to the body.

Title adapted from Jude Infantini

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