Waning Sextile Moon in Aquarius: The Long Haul

posted in: Aquarius, Waning Sextile | 0

Two things have happened, astrologically. Let’s look at how they’re linked.

At 3:45 am EDT, Mercury entered Aries. Our perceptions, ideas, and communications shifted from mystical, cosmic, confusing, magical Pisces, into direct, passionate, goal-oriented Aries.

This is the biggest shift in the circle of the zodiac. It begins a new cycle of birth after inevitable dissolution.

Maybe we woke up this morning with clarity. “This–THIS–is what I want!” or possibly “This is WRONG!”

The world looks brighter, with sharper edges between yes and no, right and wrong. Mercury moves toward the Sun, already under the beams. Thoughts and perceptions are allied with, subsumed in, the great solar urge toward life, new life, libido, desire, and action.

The Moon had just entered Aquarius when that happened and now sextiles the Sun, a connection and communication that can guide us in this Last Quarter phase.

This Moon in fixed Air says, “hey, slow down. There are big issues here that call for deep analysis and careful consideration. The challenges we face are old and deeply rooted. They won’t be fixed with sound bites and faux outrage.”

The Moon points us to Mars, Venus, and Saturn also in Aquarius.

Venus will soon conjunct Saturn. She has spent so many months with Saturn. Her long retrograde. Her movement into another sign of Saturn’s strength. Her being stuck between Mars and Saturn. She can’t wait to claim her own territory and knows in her bones that patience, not speed, is the answer.

Venus and Saturn square the Nodes in fixed Water and Earth. This is where the Aquarian Moon wants the Aries planets to look. That long arc of history. The care and craft that underlies lasting solutions.

Celebrate the burst of bright Aries energy as the mind feels new and strong. Light your torch and hold it high.

And keep in mind the road is long. Set a steady pace. Ignore offers of easy fixes. Let this new Fire fuel a steady flame that will carry us far.

Title adapted from Taylor

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