The Gibbous Moon in Libra: Adapt

posted in: Gibbous Moon, Libra | 0

Early this morning (6:30 am EDT), we reached the Gibbous Moon. This square-and-a-half between Sun and Moon marks another point of challenge as we turn toward the Full Moon in Scorpio.

Can we stay the course? How do we stay on course?

Today is a day of turnings. Less than an hour before the Gibbous Moon, Venus transitioned from fiery Aries into calm Taurus, from challenged visitor to queen. Can Venus function in Aries? Of course she can! And in Taurus, she reaches a full flowering that feels deeply natural.

Venus rules this Gibbous Moon in Libra, the Air sign of her rulership.

Meanwhile, Mars is caught in the final degree of Gemini and out of bounds! He will shift into Cancer today, moving from relative comfort to discomfort. The Moon rules Cancer, where Mars is about to arrive.

This Moon is caught between Earth and Air, out-of-bounds Mars whispering frenetically in her ear all the things, Venus indulging in a deep exhale as her feet touch the green and growing earth.

The Sun and Mercury in Taurus solidly support the deep-change group in Capricorn: Pluto, Saturn, South Node, as well as the North Node in Cancer.

Feel the air under your wings today, the many messages it carries. Feel also the earth beneath, its solidity and stability. Today we wing from one to the other, celebrating both with grace.

We are called to change, certainly, and we can adapt. We can thread our way through seeming chaos and find balance.

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