New Moon in Sagittarius: A Burst of Speed

posted in: New Moon, Sagittarius | 5

This New Moon is out of the gate and running fast. We’re thrilled with the wind whipping past as we speed along.

With the Moon and Sun at 4 Sagittarius, we’re in the first decan, the first ten degrees, of this sign of mutable Fire. Here we are bold and fearless. We’re sure we know what we want and ready to go get it.

The Sun entered Sagittarius on November 22. The mood lightened. We felt brighter and more optimistic. Venus’ conjunction with Jupiter on November 24 enhanced our feeling that good things can happen. Good luck is still around to be found.

Going too fast can lead to crashes, though. We might want to rein in our enthusiasm at least enough to be sure we’re on the right track.

Venus just entered Capricorn, a more serious place for her. She is also currently out of bounds. Meaning, she is farther south of the equator than the Sun can reach. She might be in sober Capricorn but can still do things outside the box.

She first moved out of bounds November 17 in Sagittarius, which increased her exuberance and optimism. She moved into Capricorn November 25, a shift in energy we’ll feel more and more as the weeks go by.

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Venus in Capricorn examines her areas of interest–relationships, finances, values, artistic pursuits–through the lens of Saturn’s home place:

  • How do we structure our lives?
  • Are we clear on our values?
  • Do we know where our money goes?
  • Are our relationships well grounded in reality?
  • Do we put real time and effort into making our creative dreams into something tangible?
  • Are we maintaining and supporting good boundaries?

These are all questions we can explore during this waxing Moon cycle. As we do, keep in mind this Venus is outside the Sun’s control, her viewpoints extreme and unusual. Capricorn pragmatism can help balance Sagittarian exuberance but we don’t want to tip too far in either direction.

And we haven’t left Scorpio’s shadows behind. Mars and Mercury both remain there, exploring the dark places the bright fire cannot reach. Mercury trines Neptune, opening space for deep dreams and visions at the New Moon and for the days following.

Venus is moving to sextile Mars a positive and energized connection, with the New Moon between them, semisextile both. The opportunity to gather information from Scorpio while staying grounded in Capricornian reality is available if we pay attention.

Be sure to breathe. Remember the sky is dark now. We cannot see the way forward.

We are poised to loose our arrows toward the targets we’ve chosen. We need to pause and check our aim. Otherwise, we risk wasting this wonderful fiery energy going in circles or winding up someplace we do not want to be.

Check where this New Moon falls in your birth chart. In my chart, 4 Sagittarius is in my 4th House of home, family, and the deep psyche. This is where I may feel impatient, ready for quick change, eager to explore new territory.

Here I also need to remind myself to slow down long enough to be sure my efforts are aimed at my targets.

I don’t have planets or points in Sagittarius, but the Sun squared my Moon and sextiled my Sun when he entered this sign a few days ago. I may still be feeling the effects.

You can look around your chart to see where else transiting planets are in touch with your own planets and points.

My North Node, Mars, and Chiron are in Capricorn. This is a really active area these days for transiting planets and that translates into a sense of being unsettled for me. This pattern will continue for a while.

Comparing where the planets are now to your own birth chart is a way to check your astrological weather. We don’t all experience transiting planets the same way. It’s helpful to get a sense of which planets you want to watch and which signs of the Zodiac will affect you and your life the most.

Checking at New Moons and Full Moons is a good way to begin. It can help you learn where your chart is sensitive. Since there is a New Moon and a Full Moon once each month, you have multiple opportunities to check this out in a short amount of time.

The New Moon brings energy, drive, enthusiasm. We feel ready to leave the past behind. We long to see new vistas. We are confident and embrace risk in the name of reaching a goal.

This is a fortunate time. To realize its promise, though, we need to spend enough time getting clear and centered on our goals.

A balanced combination of high energy and clear goals has the best chance of getting us where we want to go.

All astrological charts are my own. The images in this post include the title,
adapted from the exploded timelapse by chuttersnap,
and the following images:
contemplative woman by Brooke Cagle, and
woman in sunshine by Rachel Williams

5 Responses

  1. Brenda Ferrimani

    Thanks Mary Pat, I enjoyed this letter very much! I’m Sagittarius and my sun is at 28 degrees – right on the Galactic Center. I’ve been taking in information on this- some say when Jupiter crosses the Galactic Center in Sagittarius you reap good karma in whatever house Sag falls in. In my case it’s the 6th. What do you know about this? Anyway, feels like a good time for me.

    • Mary Pat Lynch

      Hello, Brenda, and happy Birthday New Moon! (I know it’s not your Solar Return yet, but this is the New Moon in your Sun sign.)

      My sense of the Galactic Center continues to evolve. Mostly I see the Center as a source of information. When we connect there, we can access sources not always open to us. Although with your Sun there, I’d say you have more access ongoing than most of us 🙂 Is this good karma or bad? And what’s the difference between the two, ultimately? For me, information is always good!

      What does point to a surge of good fortune, good luck, optimism, enthusiasm, and all that is the conjunction between Venus and Jupiter at the end of Sag that happened the other day. Even as Venus moved into Capricorn, I feel her still glowing from her meeting with Jupiter, carrying some of that warmth and fire into the sign of cardinal Earth. Now we get a chance to taken that enthusiasm and ground it in something tangible.

      The Sixth House relates to work and to the body. “Work” in the sense of service is here in the traditional House of the Willing Servant. In a similar sense, this is the house of the body and our health, how well our body is able to “serve” us in this world.

      I don’t have your chart in front of me, and, Sag in the Sixth can offer abundant energy and a fundamental orientation to view life as a gift and a promise to be enjoyed joyfully. The potential downside is possibly being overly optimistic about how much we can accomplish and maybe to miss signs that we need to slow down and replenish.

      For you, this Galactic Center touch close to your birthday might offer information about your cycles of energy, optimistic achieving, and needs for times of rest over a much longer timeline than you may typically see.

      All the best to you!

  2. Bee Smith

    I have Saturn at 2 Sag cheek and jowl with the IC. What this new moon just past my IC seems to be doing is enthusing my about setting the house to rights, and connecting with ancestral ‘stuff’ and written/telephonic communication with family.

    • Mary Pat Lynch

      Absolutely, Bee! That sounds like a great way to flow with this New Moon energy. Venus has just moved from Sag into Capricorn and Jupiter will make that transition soon. There is an upbeat, energized flow from the optimistic Fire of Sagittarius into the grounded practicality of Cap. So, yes to setting the house to rights (a New Moon welcoming of a new cycle), and to ancestral and family connections (Capricorn is connected to the past and tradition and family legacies, which is emphasized with Saturn and Pluto and the South Node there).

      Speaking of ancestry and family, I have been feeling a great longing to get back to Ireland, without knowing how or when I might be able to. Please say hello to the land for me!

  3. Brenda Ferrimani

    Thanks MaryPat, Someday I’ll have to have you look at my chart. I love all the different perspectives given by lots of practitioners. It’s a lot like dream work!

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