Mercury Conjunct the Sun: Light on Water

posted in: Cazimi, Celestial Event | 0

We’re on a journey with this New Moon–hardly surprising, this is Aries! Fire, action, desire, purpose.

This New Moon embraced Mercury and Chiron, mind and healing. Aries is a physical sign and also rules the head, so we’re in a place where mind-body healing is possible.

In fact, it’s happening, even though we don’t have conscious awareness–yet.

Friday evening, Chiron reached his cazimi. We had an inner burst of insight about where we hurt and what healing feels like. This is inside us for now, but it’s there.

Right now, Mercury is conjunct Chiron. The planet of perception, thought, and communication connects with the healing mentor. The teacher who has been there and found a way back.

Tonight, Mercury reaches the throne of the Sun for their moment of illuminative intensity.

This is a process we can make room for. We might notice moments of intensity we can’t connect to outer events or even our current thoughts. For now, let those moments be.

Mercury needs time. In or around April 18, they will reappear as the evening star. Timing will depend on where you are and how clear your view of the horizon is.

Around then, we’ll begin to have conscious access to what’s been happening.

That’s OK. Remember the deep journeys we’ve been on over this long winter. Venus Retrograde. Lots of Saturnian energy. More challenge that anyone needs.

We’ve been in deep Piscean waters of emotion, mysticism, and magic. Possibly also delusion, confusion, and misdirection. There’s gold in these waters. Insights. Understandings. Connections.

Light is coming. We can feel it stirring. Honor this process without rushing it.

The not-rushing part might be tough for Aries. Luckily, the Moon has moved into steady, calm, grounded Taurus. Today, be like Taurus.

Title adapted from Mick Haupt

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