Last Quarter Moon in Taurus: Invest in Yourself

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Today we reach the Last Quarter Moon, a pivot in the lunar cycle, a turn toward the more interior, private time of the waning Moon.

Here we have the insights we can choose to integrate into our own lives and psyches.

Squares are challenges, yes, and sometimes problems but also, always, calls to act.

What can we do to resolve an apparent paradox? Where do we find the dynamic balance between differing points of view?

Today the Taurus Moon squares the Leo Sun. I’ll admit to loving the Moon in Taurus, so grounded, patient, quiet, and caring. Ruled by Venus, newly arrived in Cancer, the Moon’s own sign.

These two, Moon and Venus, are in mutual reception today, visiting each other’s homes, speaking each other’s languages.

The Leo Sun is robust and proud, supported by Mercury, also in Leo, and applying to trine Mars and Black Moon Lilith and Eris is Aries. Such strong energies, royal, on a mission, standing up to be seen and heard.

The Taurus Moon asks us to slow down. This Moon wants to know how we’re caring for ourselves and those closest to us. Not to exclude the world, but to recognize that without a strong, healthy base, we’ll burn out.

The illuminations we gathered at the Full Moon, the new ideals and principles and plans, they apply to us too. We feel exalted in Leo, energized by Aries, but we are not invulnerable.

As we seek to mend the hurts of the world, we are called to see and tend our own traumas. Not out of selfishness. Out of strength.

We are modeling for others (and to our own inner selves) how to be clear and strong over the long term. We invest in ourselves. Supporting our growth. Building strong foundations. Learning and healing.

The challenge of this Last Quarter square is to see the world and its needs with clarity and caring, and still be able to take care of ourselves.

Take care today. The world needs your light and passion and strength. Nurture yourself.

Image adapted from Carolyn V

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