Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius: Survey

March has begun and we’re entering the Last Quarter phase, the square between the Moon and Sun that marks the halfway point between the Full and New Moon.

This Moon in Sagittarius is aspecting all the personal planets plus the Nodes. This works for a Sag Moon, who loves to travel across varied landscapes of the mind and heart.

The Sun and Moon square each other at 13º32’ Pisces and Sagittarius. Both of these signs belong to Jupiter, ruler of Sag and ancient ruler of Pisces. This gives us an upbeat, optimistic view of the world and our place in it, a great way to start the month.

I’ve been mentioning the Moon’s role as messenger, translating light between celestial bodies. This translation is definitely happening during the Last Quarter, which means the Moon is collecting lots of data.

The Moon sextiles Mars and Venus in Aquarius, squares the Sun, Saturn, and Mercury in Pisces, and trines the North Node and Ceres (while sextiling the South Node).

Notice how (almost) everything is clustering in the middle degrees of the signs.

Just before the Last Quarter square to the Sun, the Moon reached an exact square to Saturn. Imagine Saturn giving the Moon her assignment. Go in these directions, Saturn might say, and be sure to look for these signs.

If we follow the degrees in order, we see the Moon connecting precisely to the Sun, then Mars, the Nodes next, then Ceres, Mercury and Venus. So much information to collect and share!

Gathering new impressions is fascinating. It’s good to remember, though, that surveyors can’t sort out what it all means until they return home and lay it all out.

Mercury and Saturn, mind and structure, are still combust, completely hidden by the Sun’s beams. Our thinking is still dreamy, unfocused, sometimes anxious, but also open to receiving new impressions.

There’s no need to jump to conclusions yet. By the end of March, things get intense as we enter our first eclipse season this year. For now, let’s keep an open mind and heart as the Moon shows us some new places.

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