Last Quarter Moon in Gemini: Spin the Wheel

posted in: Gemini, Last Quarter Moon | 0

Very early Thursday. the Last Quarter Moon creates a T-square as the Sun in Virgo opposes Neptune with both squared by the Gemini Moon. We’re in the realm of the mutable, where things change quickly.

Some see the mutable signs, especially Gemini, as fickle, not to be trusted, but when the ground is shifting under our feet, being able to sense the wind and adjust our sails has survival value.

The Gemini Moon might be a bellwether, the trendsetter in the flock who everyone follows. There’s cleverness here, sleight of hand, and a quick step.

Follow energy around the wheel of the chart: The Virgo Sun trines Jupiter in Capricorn, and extend its orb of influence to include Pluto and Saturn as well.

The Gemini Moon is close enough for a wide conjunction with the North Node, which turns the Sun–Moon–Neptune T-square into a grand cross of mutability. Can we shape shift? Perhaps we can. Do we want to? Maybe so.

Mars stationed Rx yesterday very close to the next Saturn square. Saturn is slowing down. Mars is also aspecting the Moon’s Nodes. Heavy weather indeed.

Meanwhile, Mercury in Libra moves to oppose Chiron in Aries. The sense of vulnerability remains, along with the question of how we manage our own.

At the Last Quarter, we take care of business. Having learned at the Full Moon and shared at the Disseminating, the Sun–Moon square calls for action. The challenge now is setting priorities before it all gets more intense.

What’re the next steps in your action plan? Use the cleverness of Gemini to scan the environment and seize the best options for success.

With Mars and Saturn looming larger, we all need to choose our battles carefully. We can still move ahead though, staying under the radar, shifting our tactics, and avoiding unnecessary conflict.

A bit of the trickster can win through where an army might not. Take a chance. Spin the wheel.

Image adapted from Jake Weirick

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