Last Quarter Moon in Cancer: What the Heart Knows

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Monday morning @ 8:39 am EDT we reach the Last Quarter Moon. This Sun–Moon square is the pivot point between the Full Moon we’ve experienced and the New Moon we’re heading toward.

This Last Quarter square is happening close to the end of their signs: The Sun at 27 Libra, Moon at 27 Cancer. The Sun and Moon test each other here. Are we focused on head or heart? Which is better as a path to understanding?

Since squares are all about finding a workable balance, the answer, of course, is both.

This Moon arrives after transiting across the Capricorn group of South Node, Saturn, and Pluto (oppositions there). She met the North Node and formed trines to Neptune, Venus, and Mercury. There was a square to Mars, still in Libra.

So, lots of feelings to share, this Moon.

We moderns locate the mind in the brain—in the head, in other words. This works for Air signs like Libra—who is happy to take feelings into account but prefers to focus on words and ideas to create harmony.

Other cultures located the mind in the heart. The ancient Egyptians, as one example, saw the heart as the seat of knowing. They were not alone.

This Last Quarter Moon could feel like a push to choose between the sides of the square, except, the balance lies in a both/and response.

The Moon is our emotions and our body. We now know our mind extends far beyond the brain, to the heart, the neural system, hormones, and more.

So we have a lot to process. As we reach this halfway point, there is also a feeling of endings.

We consolidate what we have gained and prepare to compost what is left. Also, the Sun is poised to leave Libra and enter Scorpio in a few days. We are also gathering up what we’ve learned during Libra season and preparing for the shadowy depths.

This is a good time to pause, consciously, and feel where we are, where we have been, and where we may be headed. The heart knows the way.

Image created from a photo by DESIGNECOLOGIST:

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