Gibbous Moon in Taurus: Seismic

posted in: Gibbous Moon, Taurus | 0

I watched the Gibbous Moon rising late this afternoon and realized I’d lost a day somewhere. Indeed, we’re now in the Gibbous phase, which we entered overnight.

In this lunar cycle, the Moon is showing us what to pay attention to–which the Moon always does, as messenger, but right now, she’s showing up to highlight each of the major aspect patterns.

As we entered this phase, the Moon moved to conjunct Taurus and oppose Venus, pointing us to the “change” area of the chart.

We’re in a time of Earth changes. Human activity is triggering some of these. Others, like the eruption in Iceland, are part of the longterm plan. The changes are deep, as signified by Venus in Scorpio, and we can’t see all the forces in play.

Mercury has moved back into Sagittarius, copresent with Mars once again. This creates a sense of urgency. We have to do something.Now. But what is most needed? Ah! That is far less clear.

Mars and Mercury are moving to square Neptune, while Venus moves into a trine with the planet of cosmic dreaming. We feel fired up. We’ve got to do something! But there’s no plan that seems to meet our needs.

The Sun in practical Capricorn sextiles Saturn, currently in Pisces. Our source for structure and planning is pulling us toward Neptunian dreamscapes.

It’s time for deep, long range thinking. Taurus, Scorpio, and Capricorn are all slow signs.

The tricky bit is how to channel the Sagittarian Fire. Perhaps there are merry and bright things to be doing? Food to prepare? Guests to entertain? Maybe we can share from our abundance to help those in need. All of these would suit Sagittarius well, and give Mercury and Mars a channel for their energy.

We can celebrate and we can share, while still recognizing we’re in a time of change. Seismic change.

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