Gibbous Moon in Pisces: Inner Vision

posted in: Gibbous Moon, Pisces | 0

We’ve entered the Gibbous Phase, the square-and-a-half between the Sun and Moon. This is the last challenge before we experience the illumination of the Full Moon.

Whatever we’re working on is set. Any adjustments have been made. Now we face another obstacle.

It could be something in the outer world that calls our commitment to this goal into question. Yet the chart points to something within.

The Sun at 16 Libra forms that sesquiquadrate to the Moon, but the aspect that leaps out from the chart is a flowing trine from the Moon to Venus, Pisces to Scorpio.

It’s as if the Moon welcomes Venus into the inner tides, the deep currents that flow beneath all that is.

Scorpio is not the most comfortable place for Venus as we usually see her, yet we also know the dark goddesses. Inanna goes down to meet her sister Erishkagal: Either or both avatars of Venus in Scorpio.

Medusa, Hekate, Circe … these are names to conjure with. Illuminated by the Moon, they call us, too, into shadow.

So much lies within us that we do not yet know. During this Gibbous Moon, we may see in an inner mirror what is holding us back, what longs to be released.

Mars in Libra opposes Chiron in Aries. What are we separating from? What is bleeding that needs attention? Pain focused our attention. If we get lost in the dark, look where the hurt is. Information will be there too.

The Libra Sun might resist looking into shadowy spaces: An inconjunct to Neptune points to a lack of understanding, difficulty in communication. Staying in the head, spinning clever words and beautiful ideas, this is where Libra likes to be.

If we stick to the surface during these days before the Full Moon, we’ll miss a chance to see deeply. We’ll miss seeing something vital, now hidden.

Image created from a photo by lee Scott :

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