Gibbous Moon in Gemini: Flashes of Light

posted in: Gemini, Gibbous Moon | 2

We’ve entered the Gibbous Moon,the square-and-a-half between Sun and Moon that opens the last phase before we reach the Full.

We’re set on our course by now. Whether we’ve stuck to our earlier intentions or changed, things are as they are. But we’re not there yet. We haven’t reached the full tilt boogie of the Full Moon.

Think of every story of struggle and hope. Just as the hero thinks they’re home free, something else happens, some final challenge. This is where we are right now. Almost there and still needing to watch for dangers.

We look to the chart for clues about the challenges ahead and see the Moon has just entered Gemini. Across is Mars who has just entered Sagittarius. It’s the upbeat, easygoing mutable signs! This feels ok. There might be a bit of tricky, some sleight of hand magic tricks, but these guys are ok. Nothing to worry about here.

We notice Uranus at 2 Taurus and Chiron at 1 Aries, two challengers also in the early degrees. Uranus is inconjunct Mars, an awkward reminder there are more serious things unfolding.

Chiron sextiles the Moon and trines Mars. There are lessons to be learned and some might be painful.

Of course, the sesquiquadrate between the Sun and Moon defines this moment, bringing us back to the Capricorn pileup. Eris squaring Ceres, Saturn, and Pluto calls attention to the gravity of the current moment. Neptune trining the Sun, who is within orb to conjunct everything else in Capricorn, creates fog and confusion.

Are the Moon and Mars just distractions? Do we ignore them and keep moving steadily ahead?

Perhaps, but I think we’ll miss out if we do. Instead, I look to the Gemini Moon and Mars in Sag for flashes of light, bursts of laughter, novel ideas, and a few rabbits coming out of hats.

We don’t want to get too lost along the way but sometimes it’s the small candles lit along the way that keep us going. Treasure moments of good cheer and magical beauty. These too are part of our goal.

Image adapted from a photo by Kipras Štreimikis:

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