Gibbous Moon in Cancer: The Pull of the Past

posted in: Cancer, Gibbous Moon | 0

This evening, we reach the Gibbous Moon, the last challenge before the Full Moon illumination. This is a sesquiquadrate between the Sun and Moon, a square and a half.

Following closely on the waxing trine, we find the Sun @ 16 Aquarius and the Moon @ 1 Cancer.

Yes, the Moon has entered their own home, ready to nest. We want to light a fire, close the drapes, and snuggle in.

The Moon trines Mercury in Pisces, already in the retrograde shadow. We are look inward, feeling more than thinking, not sure how to communicate what’s going on for us.

The Moon moves to conjunct the South Node. We are drawn to emotional images of the past, our past, the world’s past. Perhaps we idealize a childhood simplicity, or a golden age long gone by. Perhaps we remember past pains, wondering how we can ever heal, forgive, let go.

The mood is nostalgic. We think of nostalgia as a longing for the past, but its root is pain. Nost-algia is the pain of the past just as neuralgia is nerve pain.

This is the challenge at this Gibbous Moon. We find one more threshold to cross before reaching the gold.

In times of great change, it’s natural to long for the familiar, even when we know we’ve grown past it.

But if we spend too much time looking over our shoulder, holding on to a past no longer available––or one that never existed––we can miss our way.

Help comes from Uranus (surprise!) who sextiles both the Moon and Mercury. Bright unexpected flashes can keep us on track. What’s true? What’s real? What’s here?

The Cancer Moon loves the past and loves a supportive, nurturing present even more. Stay focused on where you want to be. Bring the best of the past with you while keeping your focus your goal.

Image adapted from a photo by JR Korpa:

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