Gibbous Moon in Aquarius : Sanctuary

posted in: Aquarius, Gibbous Moon | 0

At the Gibbous Moon, we feel how close we are to the illumination of the Full Moon while knowing we are not. there. yet.

The decisions we’ve made––to continue on, adjust, or turn aside––are set. Our course is determined. But we see shoals ahead and know final challenges must be faced.

There has been an incredible amount of Earth in the sky this past week, all communing together. How do Virgo and Capricorn interact with your birth chart? The patterns will say a lot about how you feel at this Gibbous Moon.

Have you felt determined, prepared to make solid progress? Or pressured? Stuck? Even overwhelm is possible, especially if you (like me) have some difficult Capricorn placements.

At the Gibbous Moon on Monday evening, the Moon has entered Aquarius. The only planet in Air, we look to her for perspective. Aquarius is fixed Air, a sign of high ideals and detailed, precise visions.

If we are in good shape, the Aquarius Moon could be a beacon drawing us forward. If things are more troubled, we might feel we are falling short.

Whatever is coming up, there is information here about how you interact with physical reality. Know as well there is support for real progress toward tangible goals.

To get there, though, we might need to withdraw. The Moon in the first decan of Aquarius is on a solo journey. Sometimes this Moon chooses to follow a different drummer; sometimes she feels like an exile.

This potent mix of planets creates a crucible. We can reach our goal if we have the peace and privacy to focus. Find sanctuary. There is something you need to complete. Inner depths you need to plumb.

In a few days, we reach an intensely dreamy Full Moon. Take the time to delve deep. Connect to the earth under your feet. Finish something. Find your place of respite.

Image created from a photo by Sebastian Unrau :

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