First Quarter Moon in Taurus: Future Shock

Wednesday we enter the First Quarter phase, the square between Sun and Moon that marks the halfway point between the New Moon and the Full.

At the First Quarter, we face a challenge and must make a choice. Squares are all about action. We feel out of balance and need to get straight.

January 20, though, is no ordinary First Quarter. The Taurus Moon applies to conjunct the Mars–Uranus conjunction. This is fine if you are ready for the unexpected but this is a Taurus Moon, who loves to stay cozy and warm and well fed and comfortable.

The Sun, newly arrived in Aquarius, moves to conjunct Saturn and then Jupiter. So this Sun is ready for incisive thinking, grand visions, and innovative plans. Saturn wants to talk feasibility though. And Jupiter is already sure he has the answers.

The presence of both luminaries, Sun and Moon, brings in the power of the other planets. Because of the extra orb allowed, this First Quarter is a Sun–Saturn–Jupiter conjunction squaring a Moon–Uranus–Mars conjunction. The focus is on change and the future, but the intensity is as high as anything we saw in 2020.

This is Future Shock, a book by Alvin Toffler, and something we’re surely feeling now: “too much change in too short a period of time.”

Yet the fixed sign energy reminds us how long we’ve been facing the same issues. Future Shock came out in 1970, fifty years ago. The world has weight and heft. We can’t ignore it.

Among all the events possible, I am not going to predict which are likely. Uranus is, after all, about the unpredictable. What feels clear is that whatever happens, we will be affected. We will be drawn in. We will need to make choices that will help direct our actions going forward.

You might want to stay home under the covers with the Taurus Moon. That is one possible choice.

Venus, ruler of Taurus, is in mid Capricorn closing in on a sextile to Neptune. It’s a time of both dreams and consequences, open hearts and hard heads. It’s not clear that staying cozy will be an option. It’s a good day to pay attention.

Image adapted from Emile Guillemot

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