First Quarter Moon in Scorpio: Underneath

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Tomorrow, the First Quarter square between the Sun and Moon arrives just after 6 pm in my eastern time zone.

The Sun and Moon are at the beginning (02º34’) of the fixed signs Leo and Scorpio. Our strong, passionate sense of self (Leo Sun) is about to take a look under the hood. What’s lurking in the shadows calling for attention?

The Sun is strong in the sign of their rulership. We’re front and center, fully lit, ready to shine. The Moon’s position is much less powerful, yet we should never ignore what Scorpio brings to the table.

The Shadow is supported by Pluto in an exact square to the Nodes of the Moon. The Leo Sun is shining. Pluto knows there is more to the story and debts must always be paid.

Pluto and the Nodes are at 29º02’ of cardinal signs: South Node newly arrived in Libra, Pluto in Capricorn, North Node in Aries. Which means the Sun and Moon form a strong, if out-of-sign, square and opposition to Pluto that once again creates a Grand Cross.

This is the same Grand Cross we met at the New Moon–there are some differences, as the Nodes and the luminaries have changed signs. Yet we’re still here within a field in which fate is strong.

We might look at the changes and focus on the Leo Sun, powerful and bright, opposing (or squaring) whatever might dim its luster. Yet the First Quarter phase is a time for skill building. Perhaps instead the Sun is paying attention to messages coming from Pluto, the Moon, and the Nodes.

The Sun in Leo can focus strongly, passionately, on what is happening right now. Pluto, the Moon, and the Nodes bring an acute awareness that the present rests on a deep and abiding past.

Change is possible, yes. Yet enduring change builds on what has been by honoring achievements, healing what is broken, and acknowledging our legacies.

Perhaps our task during this Scorpio First Quarter is to be sure we’re acknowledging and working with the past, rather than pretending we can forge ahead without it.

Venus Rx and Mercury in Leo, as well as Eris in Aries, are also aspected. Venus and Mercury trine Eris and the North Node, while sextiling the Moon and the South Node. Our creative expression (Venus and Mercury in Leo) can help solve the deepening challenges our world faces (Eris in Aries).

Mars is separating from the opposition to the Saturn, but still within orb. We’re reminded in one more way that moving forward toward our goals (Mars in Virgo) requires given the past its due (Saturn in Pisces).

Neptune Rx in Pisces is at the apex of a yod with Venus and Mercury at one corner of its base, and the Moon and South Node at the other. Dreams, visions, and deep connection support our creative work.

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