First Quarter Moon in Scorpio: Heroes

This lunar cycle opened with a New Moon in Leo trining Jupiter, a strong pulse of creative passion and joy.

The challenging patterns involving Mars, Uranus, the Nodes of the Moon, and Saturn were there but easier to overlook. Strong, but not part of the New Moon.

At the First Quarter Moon tomorrow, the most difficult patterns in the sky come into sharp focus.

The Moon at 13 Scorpio moves to conjunct the South Node, opposing the North Node, Uranus, and Mars.Saturn retrograde at 22 Aquarius is just within orb of squaring the Moon, bringing the Uranus–Saturn square back into relevance.

And of course the Sun completes this Grand Cross in the fixed signs. At 13 Leo, they square the Moon, the Nodes, and Mars–Uranus, while opposing Saturn.

So here we are, right in the middle of it.

The First Quarter is the challenge of waking up. We have these goals in mind, wishes we’ve asked for. How do we get them? The Sun–Moon square pushes us to sort out what we need to know, what skills we need to develop.

Perhaps the first question is, who do we want to be? We can be heroes. Can we be heroes? What’s a hero, anyway?

The Sun in Leo is heroic. Some might see a Scorpio Moon as the antihero, pulling strings behind the scenes. What about Mercury, newly arrived in Virgo? Can the quiet ones who tend to everyday details also be heroes?

Venus at 22 Cancer trine the Moon and South Node, while sextiling Mars, Uranus and the North Node. This Venus is tender, vulnerable, and fierce in protecting her own. Another kind of hero.

The winds of change feel relentless. Forces opposing change dig in their heels and hang on. Depending on which changes we consider, we might side with those who want to hold the line, or those ready to burn it down and start over.

How are we called to act? In what ways can we participate in the big issues of the day? At this First Quarter Moon, we will feel called to, at the very least, confront this question. Which side of history do we want to be on?

What does it mean to be a hero? What sort of hero will we become?

Title adapted from Javier García

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