First Quarter Moon in Scorpio: Dive Deep

Tomorrow morning we reach the First Quarter Moon. This is a time of challenge. Are we on track? Are we moving in the direction of our goals? These are the questions.

We’ll find the Moon in late Scorpio squaring the late Leo Sun. Here is a challenge indeed.

At the sextile, I suggested we’d need to seek deep connections, avoiding shallower waters in favor of something meaningful and lasting. Did we?

If yes, then the Scorpio–Leo challenge is one of wrestling with intense creativity. Passions will be strong There is courage here, the kind that faces difficulties unflinchingly, ready to see what’s really going on.

If no, then the Scorpio Moon might show us what happens when we believe we can avoid the depths of life.

Superficiality doesn’t last. Whether it’s an attitude, a relationship, a way of coping–in the face of serious difficulty, superficial approaches will crumble.

The Moon in Scorpio is not here to say anything as simple as, “do this or else.” Scorpio’s driving need to know the truth will keep us looking for more, even when we’re not thrilled with what we learn.

This Scorpio Moon confirms the connection to depth with a trine to Neptune and sextile to Pluto. We can go as far and as deep as we can manage with these.

Think of the art you value most. Chances are, it has depth, a staying power that something easy and light can’t sustain.

The greatest performances, books, music, paintings, lives are the ones lived in the presence of passion (Leo) and intensity (Scorpio). At this First Quarter, we’re invited on a journey to our own creative accomplishments.

Image adapted from Amy Lister

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