First Quarter Moon in Scorpio: Breakthrough

Early Monday, we reach the First Quarter, the challenge from Moon to Sun that creates a (literal) turning point in our journey to the Full Moon.

This is a Scorpio Moon, full of deep insights gathered from the steps we’ve already taken and the creative spaces we’ve explored.

It’s tempting, with the Sun in Leo, to bask in the golden glow of the Lion. It feels in many ways as if we never emerged from winter this year. Is it so bad to forget the dark for a while and play in the sun?

Actually, it’s not bad at all. It’s healing. Rejuvenating. Life affirming.

What we cannot do is forget the shadow is there. As Ursula LeGuin said, “To light a candle is to create a shadow.” The brilliance of the summer sun can create a very deep darkness indeed. The Scorpio Moon does not want us to hide from ourselves.

The Sun still applies to trine Chiron. We’re not meant to forget our hurts. We’re not meant to ignore our triggers.

Instead, we keep both light and shadow in our hearts and minds. We find balance in moving from one to the other. In that movement, we experience realization. We can grab on to a new understanding.

See how the Moon applies to oppose Uranus, as the Sun applies to square the same revolutionary trickster. The illumination we seek arises from following our own sun into our own darkness and coming out again.

“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you.”
― Gospel of Thomas

Image adapted from Alice Donovan Rouse

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